Source code for layered.trainer

import functools
import numpy as np
from layered.gradient import BatchBackprop, CheckedBackprop
from import Network, Matrices
from layered.optimization import (
    GradientDecent, Momentum, WeightDecay, WeightTying)
from layered.utility import repeated, batched
from layered.evaluation import compute_costs, compute_error

[docs]class Trainer: # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init, too-many-arguments def __init__(self, problem, load=None, save=None, visual=False, check=False): self.problem = problem self.load = load = save self.visual = visual self.check = check self._init_network() self._init_training() self._init_visualize() def _init_network(self): """Define model and initialize weights.""" = Network(self.problem.layers) self.weights = Matrices( if self.load: loaded = np.load(self.load) assert loaded.shape == self.weights.shape, ( 'weights to load must match problem definition') self.weights.flat = loaded else: self.weights.flat = np.random.normal( self.problem.weight_mean, self.problem.weight_scale, len(self.weights.flat)) def _init_training(self): # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type """Classes needed during training.""" if self.check: self.backprop = CheckedBackprop(, self.problem.cost) else: self.backprop = BatchBackprop(, self.problem.cost) self.momentum = Momentum() self.decent = GradientDecent() self.decay = WeightDecay() self.tying = WeightTying(*self.problem.weight_tying) self.weights = self.tying(self.weights) def _init_visualize(self): if not self.visual: return from layered.plot import Window, Plot self.plot_training = Plot( 'Training', 'Examples', 'Cost', fixed=1000, style={'linestyle': '', 'marker': '.'}) self.plot_testing = Plot('Testing', 'Time', 'Error') self.window = Window() self.window.register(211, self.plot_training) self.window.register(212, self.plot_testing)
[docs] def __call__(self): """Train the model and visualize progress.""" print('Start training') repeats = repeated(, self.problem.epochs) batches = batched(repeats, self.problem.batch_size) if self.visual: self.window.start(functools.partial(self._train_visual, batches)) else: self._train(batches)
def _train(self, batches): for index, batch in enumerate(batches): try: self._batch(index, batch) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\nAborted') return print('Done') def _train_visual(self, batches, state): for index, batch in enumerate(batches): if not state.running: print('\nAborted') return self._batch(index, batch) print('Done') input('Press any key to close window') state.running = False def _batch(self, index, batch): if self.check: assert len(batch) == 1 gradient = self.backprop(self.weights, batch[0]) else: gradient = self.backprop(self.weights, batch) gradient = self.momentum(gradient, self.problem.momentum) gradient = self.tying(gradient) self.weights = self.decent( self.weights, gradient, self.problem.learning_rate) self.weights = self.decay(self.weights, self.problem.weight_decay) self._visualize(batch) self._evaluate(index) def _visualize(self, batch): if not self.visual: return costs = compute_costs(, self.weights, self.problem.cost, batch) self.plot_training(costs) def _evaluate(self, index): if not self._every(self.problem.evaluate_every, self.problem.batch_size, index): return if, self.weights) error = compute_error(, self.weights, self.problem.dataset.testing) print('Batch {} test error {:.2f}%'.format(index, 100 * error)) if self.visual: self.plot_testing([error]) @staticmethod def _every(times, step_size, index): """ Given a loop over batches of an iterable and an operation that should be performed every few elements. Determine whether the operation should be called for the current index. """ current = index * step_size step = current // times * times reached = current >= step overshot = current >= step + step_size return current and reached and not overshot